

.Money and sex are related to each other and are often seen as taboo subject matter that people hardly want to discuss despite the fact that these two play an important role in our day-to-day lives since they can directly affect one’s sexual activity.

Not in too many words cash and lovemaking are inextricably connected both in marriages/situations ships and in one’s lives as individuals, they are key contributors to our well-being and state of mind.

Unless people really think about it, they might know how much finance is affecting their sex lives most especially couples who actually don’t think that their cash flow has much to do with their orgasms.

On the other hand, if money is causing you stress, controlling your social life, or causing tension in your relationships, then it’s time to consider how it can affect your sex life too.

Lack of cash can cause sex drive-crushing fights as nothing kills sex mood faster than a huge spat ( research has it that, money is the most common source of fighting among spouses).

So trying to have these awkward conversations about money outside the bedroom in order not to ruin the moment.

Not having enough cash can put a toll on your sexual desire- Everyday annoyances can affect your sex life since daily stressors like money worries can cause your mind to wander away during intercourse making you less active and physically uncomfortable.

Sex is a physical activity and if your physical health is lacking strength, copulating becomes difficult with you being too worn down and exhausted to even toy with the idea of making love. Whereas on the other hand, if you are financially stable your physical health is likely to be top-notch. The more cash you have, the more likely you are able to afford things that maintain your physical health like nutritional foods or gym, any necessary medications, and whatever it’s you want to try in bed. Having more sex than those without money.

As you know malnutrition is a huge issue for people without enough money- Poverty and poor health are undeniably linked, the more vulnerable you are, the more susceptible you are to illness and injury which lowers your libido and limits your stamina.

Physical symptoms of lack of cash coupled and self-esteem can put up tough barriers between you and your ability to have sex. So the better your mental health is the more likely you might be willing to indulge in a healthy, sexually active life.

Financial stress can affect the quality of your social life- As you’re aware, dating and socializing in general cost money and it’s really important that couples go on dates/getaways once in a while to spice their sexual lives and if you don’t have enough money to go on date, there’s tendency your intimate life is bound to face obvious challenges. Seeing that, this may affect your ability to buy fun sex stuff like sex toys, lube, etc.

Note that the use of sex toys is said to increase communication, excitement, and enjoyment in bed, and having cash to spend on them is a great way to improve one’s intimacy and passion “money=better quality of life and better quality of life=better sex life.”

On a final note, low sex plus stress are intricately linked when one is feeling the burdening impacts of lack of money as you will also be suffering in the bedroom a little at a time, building up without you noticing and less sex can actually take a toll on relationships.

Written by SissyAdmin

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