

True Intimacy is usually seen through the eyes of a smile which is a powerful ingredient for good health, longevity, and happiness.

This actually communicates a pleasant, openness that’s kind and sociable.

Smiling is a way of communicating what is happening deep inside of you. ‘’The expression one wears on one’s face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one’s back”Dale Carnegie

Marriages/relationships can’t really survive in an endless smile, that’s the reason a number of couples will fake a smile even on their worst day since this legitimately reduces stress and lowers your heart rate in tense situations. So faking it till you make it, is actually a piece of sound advice when it has to do with boosting your mood if feeling down. In other words, smiling can trick your mind into feeling happier because the brain interprets smiling as an act of joy that spur actual feelings of happiness.

Let’s face it, when we are smiling, it means we are having a pretty good time.

To some partners smiling is no big deal but the fact is that it can make your spouse feel loved, respected, desired, and empowered.

Stressed life and the pressure of raising children, having a career, and maintaining homes can hamper the act of smiling.

Something basic as simple as a smile expression that starts a relationship becomes a rare occurrence as the years roll because smiling in marriage becomes the exception and not the rule.

According to Mother Teresa, “I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.” Knowing that the gains in one’s relationship will be far more than what one can grasp.

‘’Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy,” says Thich  Nhat  Hahn.

Know that to smile helps to stimulate our brain’s reward mechanisms in a way that even the darkest of chocolate, a well-regarded pleasure- inducer cannot match. Also unlike lots of chocolate, quite a lot of smiling can actually make you healthier, has therapeutic effects, and has been linked with reduced stress hormone levels and lowered blood pressure.

If all these are not good enough, just remember that smiling, makes us look good in the eyes of others.

Recent research confirmed that when we smile, we not only appear more likable and courteous but we’re actually perceived to be more competent.

Almost every relationship starts with a good smile and for most, it is that good amount of time before allowing a person we are interested in to see us smile. As It suggests a pleasant, openness that is sociable, as it communicates that we are trusting, an announcement of safety.

Wives should frequently smile at their spouses, there is a power in this singular act. It communicates a safe connection between the two as it shows playfulness; smiling at your lover is a deliberate act because it requires you to break from whatever you’re doing and focus on your partner (it says l see you over, all the things I’m doing). It’s an invitation to draw close and connect in spite of whatever circumstances they may be going through.

Couples smile less as they get older in marriage especially the ladies because they feel men tend to connect smiling to sex.

The simple truth is that a  number of men can’t help but connect smile and sex together; so if smiling communicates an open, playfulness that means to a man it means intercourse which makes some ladies smile less because they want to stylishly turn their husbands off. This may not be intentional hence they look less happy so that they don’t have to add an extra chore to their to-do list, a tendency that needs to be changed in marriage. And husbands need to learn that not every smile is an invite for intercourse and on the other hand, wives need to accept that their spouse being attracted to their smile is just a compliment.

Generally, both husband and wife should smile at each other more often. Whatever the case, ladies need to smile more, it is a powerful act in the concept of marriage and it’s one of the easiest and quickest ways to get connected to your spouse even though it’s not always the case but sometimes the most common response to smile is a smile.

Do this when it comes to smiling- You may need some practice as the facial muscles have been trained to frown or look expressionless. Retrain those muscles by simply standing in front of a mirror and try smiling at yourself, get used to how it feels (show some teeth, curl your lips and cheeks upward) and lastly connect your face to your emotions. Your face will tell you if you’re happy.

Smiling can be something to pass on, much like yawning is contagious. When you smile at a person, he/she will reciprocate and if you smile more, your spouse will smile more and then you will smile back and on it goes. This act may look like a silly concept but it really works and it can ignite a smile-fest in your marriage over time.

The Bible says that ‘’A cheerful look brings joy to the heart’’ Proverbs 15:30: Your face has the ability to shoot up hope and happiness into your spouse’s countenance without saying a word. Sometimes, all that your spouse needs from you is a  tender look or a quick playful grin.

Couples should regularly smile at one another as there is power in this act; it communicates a safe connection between the two of them and shows playfulness in spite of whatever challenges any of you may be facing.

As one author writes ‘’Each time you smile you throw a little feel-good party in your brain.’’

Spouses who smile more may have longer and more successful marriages.

The larger the smile, the less likely divorce, couples that smile tend to be more optimistic, joyful, and emotionally stable which itself leads to a healthier union.

So whether, you want to lower your stress level, improve your marriage or bring joy to someone’s day, smiling is an effective strategy for achieving a multitude of goals.

Better still, it is a free easy one-stop shop that is always with you, everywhere you go and it has a tonne of benefits for your overall well-being.

In a nutshell, if you’re keen on building a healthy marriage; a very vital requirement is learning how to smile a lot.

Knowing that smiling can change the way one thinks and feels is the reason couples should spend at least sixty seconds every morning smiling to supercharge their moods.

Let it be part of your morning workout, also feel free to indulge in it during the day when things seem not to be going well; it will help quickly transform your mood, make you feel less stressed, and put things in a different perspective, it will practically take ten to fifteen seconds to make the difference in change.


So start smiling! 😊

Written by SissyAdmin

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