Mating between a man and woman is not always about penetration, genitals, or orgasm as good copulation is about pleasure and fun.
Ladies let’s look inward and put effort in our sexual lives in the spirit of enjoying the ride. There’s always a reason to learn new kinds of stuff to improve what’s obtainable in the bedroom.
This brings us to female sex strategies; how to be the best lover ever, making him crave for you sexually and helping you to achieve more intense orgasms.
Women are often seen as the complicated ones when it comes to making love while guys can be complex although they might never admit it especially as men can keep mum about their sexual needs more than what a number of ladies would expect.
Let’s look at some incredible sex strategies for spicing up the other room.
Bedroom confidence can be a massive turn-on for your spouse such that you have to harness the power of your own confidence even when you struggle with your look or abilities to please your lovebird. It’s actually best to lower your inhibitions and try to be confident.
Self-care– Take good care of yourself by pampering your body, and exercising to keep fit. Spend quality time with yourself, and take care of your own personal needs, there’s nothing wrong with having a solo time once in a while because the more you know your body, the easier it’s for you to share with your man about your sexual desires and needs. Try not to be scared in trying new things, diversity can actually help to spice up bedroom matters.
Being open about exploring new stuff is a major sex tip for ladies, so take the lead and show your guy that you’re willing to try something different from the usual in order to make things more interesting and exciting like engaging in sex games, role-playing, little dirty talk, new sex styles and even ordering a new sex toy to use on him or for him to use on you can open up a new realm of possibilities in the world of sex.
Be in the moment– Some ladies often find it difficult to stay put on the Act; thinking about the endless list of things to do, getting stressed about a project that needs to be finished. This action can take you out of the moment thereby reducing your attention on the sensual feelings your lover is trying to give. It’s really important you practice mindfulness during love making the same way you do in other spheres of your life, pull your mind back and stay focused during copulation.
Power of Touch– Move away from touching the genitals, learn about men’s erogenous zones, and use the knowledge in the other room. Surprisingly, most men love to be touched sensuously; teasingly rub your hands along his thighs, cupping his face, stroke his cheeks, comb your fingers through his hair, caress his shoulders and back as you press your own body against his. This activity helps to heighten your man’s senses during foreplay, great arousal for sex. Focusing on the genitals can’t be over-emphasized but touching other erogenous spots builds anticipation that nurtures sensual connection in mating.
Get to use your mouth– In this instance, I’m referring to using your words. Communication is the key to any successful relationship and even more so when it has to do with sex. The best sex is between couples willing to communicate and be open and honest about their desires. The perfect time to talk is long before you get in bed (outside the bedroom). It may feel uncomfortable at first but try putting it in writing as text and send it to your guy thereby starting off breezy and working up to a happy ending.
Oral sex can be quite amazing– This is a well-known scientific secret that oral sex can be one of the most arousing acts for men. The use of your mouth, hands, lips, fingers, and tongue is a major sexual spice for better intercourse orally. There are a lot of ways to put your hands to work while using your mouth like gently squeezing, cupping, tugging his scrotum, use short pumps and squeezes to stimulate his head with your fingers. Alternate between flicking the tongue, sucking, and kissing the different parts of his genitals. Do not be afraid to ask if he likes what you’re doing with your hands and mouth. The entire activity can be very arousing as well as reaping better rewards for the two of you.
Staycation– Go for ‘staycations’ as often as possible will be a nice break. A romantic getaway can help break up the monotony of your normal sex life. Nobody gets to leave the house to get out of the bedroom, go a step further by shaking things up by getting it on in the sitting room, library, kitchen, laundry room, or stairs case. Shower together and be careful, things get very slippery when wet. Little changes can go a long way to making a big difference in your normal routine. It’s easy to become complacent and that’s when sex gets stale.
Quickies– This might not happen all the time especially when one is in the midst of a crazy life and it’s difficult to find time for one another. Learning to enjoy quickies is a great way to get in the act sometime together while the intimacy and cuddly part can always come in later.
Compliment– It’s super cool to compliment your man at any slightest opportunity. Men can be very self-conscious both outside and inside the bedroom and many ladies hardly think of this when it comes to making love.
For a change use sex to get aroused– Constantly waiting to get turned on for sex can affect the chance of you having a satisfying encounter with your spouse. So for a change use sex to get aroused instead of always waiting for arousal to copulate by initiating the act before you get aroused; there’s a big possibility you will be turned in the process.
Role play– Share your fantasies with your hubby and encourage him to do the same. Most men do have sexual fantasies but feel uncomfortable sharing them because their wives may find it creepy even though most of them don’t mind their women filling them in on their sexual fantasies. You can make a game out of writing down the different fantasies, and placing them in a corner where you can easily pull it out when next the two of you are in the moment.
Being vocal– Getting vocal is all about opening your mouth and letting the words flow. One of the best sex strategies for ladies. Babes if you feel like moaning/groaning, let it out, and don’t hold back. Your boo will definitely find all your vocalizations arousing.
In conclusion, slow down the end part of the sexual activity if you want to both prolong his feelings of sexual enjoyment. Increase the strength of his orgasms by slowing down when he is about to climax, it lengthens the time he spends in the zone of maximum pleasure.
Men love this technique on them, it makes them feel incredible.

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