

Kissing is an act that can be executed in a number of ways with many different meanings.

Kissing dates back through evolution and probably stems from our primate ancestral mothers passing chewed food to their young through a lip-to-lip transfer which over time has evolved into a means of social bonding and is part of romantic exchange.

Kissing is almost innate and you simply do not have to think about it before indulging in it. Over 90 per cent of humans kiss and many mammals do too, don’t stress over it, just pucker up and enjoy the moment while it last.

Men and women usually pucker up for all kinds of reasons like kissing for love, for luck, to say hello and goodbye. Including the fact that, it really feels so good thing to do.

After that initial spark fizzles, one can actually continue to enjoy the benefits of those happy hormones most especially a some kisses are spurred by your sex libido.

It’s not a hidden fact that some kisses are totally sex-driven and far from platonic.

The truth is that Kissing feels great and does the body good. It can help people feel connected and strengthen bonds of all kinds, so be sure to practice good oral hygiene for a fresh, kiss-worthy mouth while at it.

A kiss can either be one of the most magical connections in a relationship or the last moment of a relationship as terrible kissing can kill attraction fast. Everyone wants that moment when he/her can kiss someone and feel butterflies and the spark and attraction just takes over. A kiss that leaves you wanting for more. Whether you are a terrible kisser, a good kisser, or a great kisser, just know there is always room to get better.

Here is how to improve your kissing skills-:

* Be sure to start off slowly especially with someone new, take it slow while taking note of your lover’s kissing style by mimicking them and their moves. Though as aggressive passionate kiss can be great but still start slow and build to hot and heavy passion.


* The best way to figure out what your partner likes in kiss if you don’t want to ask is to notice how they kiss. The truth is that most of their signatures kissing moves are something they enjoy themselves. So try kissing the way they kiss and incorporate it into your kissing game.

* Never use your teeth except if it is for a tiny nibble on your mate’s lips because one of the worst kissing moments is when someone comes in to kiss you and their teeth are there knocking against your teeth. Start out with a tiny nibble and gauge their reaction. If they love it do it again, if they don’t react, maybe shelve the nibbling. Aside from nibbles, teeth are not part of kissing.

* Both of you should pause in between for air or for a moment to take a breath, whisper something sweet or something sexy or just stare at your partner. Allowe tension build as you get air, this is quite important.

* Avoid swapping spit, nobody wants to break away for air and have spit all over them or hanging off their lip. Sure kissing is wet, but try not to drool by try I mean do not, most lovers don’t like it.

* Tilt your head when you kiss, a little to the left or right. You go in straight forward you’re either going to get a quick peck, or you’re  going to bump heads. A great way to come up for air and to swallow that excess spit is to pull back after a kiss and slowly tilt your head the other way without constantly switching positions. This may break up the moment, and leave your spouse wondering what you are doing, but if you tilt to the other side it can keep things interesting.

* When kissing be careful not to stick your whole tongue into your partner’s mouth. No one wants you to examine their molars with your tongue. A bit of your tongue is allowed and be gentle when you tickle with it.

* Sunk in their lips, this is powerful move. Slowly take in their lip for just a second and it is a good move to use right before you break for air or stare into their eyes. For some couples, this is their signature move but just try not to overdo it by leaving your lovebird slobbery.

* Tenderly use your hands when kissing, they should not be hanging at your sides most especially as they can touch a number of places in your spouse’ body such as play with the hair, put a hand on their cheek, clasp or rub their neck. Just do something with your hands. A passionate kiss involves way more than your lips.

Kissing is a lot like shaking hands, you don’t want a limp hand shake or one that is too firm.

Relax and go with the flow. Don’t let your mind wander either. Try not to think of anything while you are kissing someone. Be in the moment and go with the flow, your breath smells good and you are in the moment. Trust your instincts and Kiss how you like to be kissed.  It is a lot easier to kiss well than it is to kiss badly.

Written by SissyAdmin

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