


Couples going to bed together allow room for pillow conversation, thus fulfilling the three C’s – connection, clarity and communication within the relationship.

Making headway to bed together, allows you to stay on the same schedule. If a partner goes to bed at a later time, there is the possibility of waking the sleeping mate and when this becomes a habit, there is the tendency that anger and resentment can build up and cause tension in the marriage.

Retiring for the night in unison promote intimacy, God wants married couples to be intimate regularly. So when you are not in the same place at the same time, it makes it difficult to do so. Do not make love and run to the kitchen to wash plates or watch television or go to read, know that the time after copulation is to be used to build the emotional and relational side of your relationship.

A number of couples take the advantage of going to bed together, to pray together which is a great habit to develop. Once in bed together, it gives you time to talk about your successes in the day, give thanks to God for what he has done and entreat him for the day ahead.

One of the common struggles that married couples faced is going to bed together and this process can actually reinforce good sleeping habits, as this can have a positive influence when it comes to keeping reasonable bedtimes. On the other hand women who go to bed earlier or later than their partners reported lower relationship satisfaction, the study found.

When spouses don’t sleep together, they may be losing not on the benefits of a shared sleep schedule, one of which is touching. Studies have suggested that physical touch between lovebirds releases oxytocin that helps to promote and maintain healthy relationship and bonding. Also, closeness with your partner leads to better sleep.

Partners who have the same sleep pattern are more likely to have regular sex than those who don’t. As going to bed together gives room to spontaneous cuddling and touching that can lead to intercourse not to mention bonding through physical intimacy.

Sleeping together for couples has a number of health benefits- You tend to fall asleep faster and deeper when you sleep as a couple. It de-stresses you and even protects your heart and keepit healthy, as sleeping with your mate allows your brain to tune out quickly and you sleep off immediately.

You feel safe and secure when you sleep together, this in turn affects the quality of your sleep- as it has been discovered that couples sleep longer when they sleep and huddling together promotes warmth which helps you to sleep more deeply than you normally do.

If you sleep so well and in such comfort, you will definitely wake up refreshed. Sleeping together ensures that you are more energetic when you wake up thus you are ready to take on the world, all of which begins with sleeping with your partner.

Although going to bed at the same time might not always be practicable, you can try to make it a regular occurrence as often as possible. This will introduce a new level of intimacy to your marriage, so if you desire a strong and flourishing relationship, you will have to develop those habits that can empower your marriage to be greater, of which going to bed together is one of those habits.

Couples who get better sleep are actually creative and better at keeping their goals.

Written by SissyAdmin

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