This type of sex may not sound like the most titillating thing in the world but it is vital to the health of your marriage. Maintenance sex is simply mean- having sex just to have it, even if you don’t feel like doing it, keeping the sex up to ensure both people in the relationship are sexually satisfied.
There are times your lover may wants to get it on and all you want to do is Zee world/telemundo. Intercourse at this point sounds time-consuming and annoying or you’re in the mood and your lover always seems to be too tired or stressed. It’s really important to have sex even if you’re not randy especially in long term relationships.
You shouldn’t only be in to this kind of sex, it should actually be on the sex menu as there will always be two different sex drives in a union.
Very rare for couples to have the same sex drives though it can differ once in a while. So don’t expect lovebird to always want the exact amount of sex as you do, this is not practicable.
This is where compromises need to be made, the one with the higher libido must have realistic expectations while the other with the lower libido needs to do the same and it at this junction maintenance sex comes into play.
We have be wired to believe that one can only have sex when in the mood which often results in unfulfilled and sexless marriages -a partner isn’t “in the mood” and doesn’t think he or she needs to be, therefore the partner with the higher libido feels ashamed for desiring it. Thereby leaving one person feeling hounded for sex all the time and the other pathetic for wanting it, not a healthy for a relationship.
Note that maintenance lovemaking is designed to keep both lovers content in marriage, tell the truth, you won’t regret the extra effort you put in to have sex. Go for it if your mate really wants you and you are sure to feel better afterward.
Cool if this is the only way you’re having sex and if you feel fully sexually unsatisfied or are experiencing an unusually prolonged dip in libido, that is a separate issue and you should address it with your therapist or health-care provider. Sex is like going to the gym: You don’t want to do it before, but once you suck it up and hit the elliptical, you feel amazing afterward.
You Need to Show Up for Your Partner, and Vice Versa
In relationships, you need to show up for your partner. This goes back to that “shame” thing; we think if one person doesn’t want to have sex, we shouldn’t have sex. Sometimes you need to show up for your partner and be engaged. If you need your partner to make you feel desired, he or she should be willing to do that for you. Sex is a principal part of happy relationships.
Both partners need to be willing to show up for each other and put in the effort. Everyone in a relationship deserves to feel sexy, safe, and happy. Have sex and make a commitment to keep having sex through all of life’s changes, ups, and downs.
It Breeds Intimacy
Sex breeds intimacy. Orgasms release oxytocin, the feel-good bonding hormone in your body. Sex helps you feel closer to your partner. It is the most intimate physical act you and your partner can experience. Without it, it’s easy to lose sight of your connection. Relationships and a healthy sex life take constant work. You have to check in with each other and take the temperature of your relationship on a regular basis.
Having sex, feeling your partner on top of you, the scent of his or her skin brings you back into that loving mind-set. Don’t skip out on it just because you’re tired from work and would rather watch television. Having maintenance sex will remind both of you what you mean to each other. Always take an opportunity to work sex into your schedule. The more you have it, the happier you’ll be. Trust us.
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